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Addressing Teenage Pregnancy and Child Exploitation:

 Teenage pregnancy rates, mainly driven by complex socio-economic challenges remain alarmingly high in the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB) of Kenya.

Africa Advocacy Foundation Kenya is committed to tackling this issue and works collaboratively with child welfare and education professionals, maternity services, the police, legal services, community groups, churches, and local leaders. Our mission is to protect vulnerable girls, educate communities, and create lasting change that prevents teenage pregnancy and sexual exploitation.

The Crisis: Teenage Pregnancy and Child Sexual Exploitation

The LREB counties face significant challenges with teenage pregnancy, particularly in rural areas where poverty, lack of education, and weak law enforcement create an environment ripe for child sexual exploitation. Statistics show the severity of this crisis:

  • Teenage pregnancy: Over 33% of girls aged 15-19 in counties like Homa Bay, Siaya, and Migori are either pregnant or already mothers. This is significantly higher than the national teenage pregnancy rate of 18%.

  • Child sexual exploitation: Many young girls, especially orphans or those from impoverished backgrounds, fall prey to adults who exploit their vulnerability, with 16% of young girls in these counties engaging in transactional sex.

  • Boda boda exploitation: A study showed that 1 in 3 teenage pregnancies in the LREB is linked to boda boda riders, who exploit young girls for money or transportation.

  • School dropouts: Due to teenage pregnancy, about 20% of girls drop out of school in counties such as Homa Bay and Kisumu, with many never returning to complete their education.

  • HIV/AIDS-affected households: In areas heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS, over 40% of orphans live in child-headed households or are raised by elderly grandparents. These girls, in particular, face heightened vulnerability to sexual exploitation and early pregnancy.


These alarming statistics highlight how poverty, sexual exploitation, and lack of enforcement of child protection laws contribute to the high rates of teenage pregnancy and school dropout in LREB.


Our Approach: A Collaborative, Culturally Sensitive Strategy

Africa Advocacy Foundation Kenya believes in a multi-faceted approach to addressing teenage pregnancy and child sexual exploitation. We collaborate with key stakeholders in the community to create a supportive environment for girls and their communities.


Our efforts focus on:

  • Community Engagement and Awareness: We work closely with community groups, local leaders, and churches to raise awareness about the dangers of child sexual exploitation, teenage pregnancy, and the importance of safeguarding children. Through these efforts, we've reached over 10,000 community members with education on children’s rights and protections in Homabay Migori and Kisumu counties alone.

  • Working with Child Welfare and Education Professionals: By partnering with schools and child protection officers, we have helped provide educational interventions to prevent exploitation and school dropout. Our school outreach mentorship programs in the 3 counties have equipped over 1,500 girls with knowledge about sexual health and reproductive rights.

  • Collaborating with Police and Legal Services: Our advocacy efforts with law enforcement agencies and legal professionals have resulted in increased reporting of sexual abuse and child exploitation cases. We provided financial support to facilitate legal support to 34 victims in 2023, ensuring their cases are heard.

  • Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Recognizing the heightened risks for girls from HIV/AIDS-affected families, we provide targeted support, including financial assistance, mentoring, and counselling.  For example, AAF Kenya has provided financial support to Yawo Kamolo Children’s Orphanage where over 120 vulnerable girls have been supported to avoid exploitation.


  • Providing Access to Education: Through partnerships with schools and vocational training centers, we work to ensure that girls who drop out of school due to pregnancy are given a second chance at education.


  • Culturally Appropriate Approaches: Recognising the influence of local customs and traditions, we engage community leaders, religious institutions, and family structures in our efforts. By fostering trust and respect for cultural norms, we create a safe environment where girls can seek help and protection without fear of stigma or retribution.

Our Impact

Africa Advocacy Foundation Kenya contributed to addressing teenage pregnancy and child sexual exploitation in the local communities where we work. There is increased awareness and reporting of child sexual exploitation cases due to our interventions.


Through our community engagement programs, we’ve educated over 10,000 community members about child protection, girls’ rights, and the dangers of sexual exploitation.


The organisation continues to provide critical support to teenage mothers, helping them access healthcare, return to school, and receive psychosocial support, ensuring a path to a brighter future.

Get Involved

Join us in the fight against teenage pregnancy and child sexual exploitation by partnering, collaborating or volunteering with us.

Addressing Teenage Pregnancy and Child Exploitation in the Lake Region Economic Block
Addressing Teenage Pregnancy and Child Exploitation in the Lake Region Economic Block


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